Monday, May 16, 2011

Entomology For Kids

Audrina and I spent a good portion of our morning working on the garden. Oh, believe me, it was work. A previously relaxing hobby has come to resemble some sort of reflex testing, designed by a sadistic carny. My daughter, in her vast love of bug life, was completely unaware of how many times she almost lost a finger. Imagine, if you will, placing the very tip of a digging tool into the dirt, only to have a small child dig around the side of said tool while one is trying to use it. My lovely daughter's response to a number of pleas to be safe? "It is ok mommy, I know you would never hurt me!" Obviously, I am taking a break right now. She can help grandma garden. I will just have to stealth dig. I also need to find a decent full color book of bugs, preferably Wisconsin bugs for my little sweetpea. It amazes me how much I do not know about millipede anatomy. Really, I care.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Scaredy Girl

So, last night Audrina came out of her room, curled up on my lap and told me she was afraid of the monster in her closet. My mind flashed back to the last article I read about childrens fears. It said that you should validate the fear, take it seriously, comfort the child, and try to make them feel safe. So, I asked my little princess how big the monster was. "Oh, very big mommy. And scary. With lots of teeth." I held out my hands (about twelve inches apart) "this big honey?" (she, up on tiptoes with her arms in the air) "THIS big mommy." Oh good honey. The next time you hear the monster, you call me. I will grab one of daddy's swords and cut it's head off. Then we can boil out the brains and use the skull as a candy dish for Halloween! You love decorating for Halloween, don't you? Though I think we should probably get some paper bats, pumpkins to carve, and some fake cobwebs too. What do you think? She got all excited and went on for about an hour about Halloween cupcakes and putting a big castle in the front yard. Later, she told Harley that she glad mommy is scarier than all the monsters. We have not had a single nightmare since.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Go Talking...After Midnight....

It appears that both children have inherited my somniloquy. Archer has begun his baby babbling in his sleep now, little whispering sounds. He mumbles "mamama" and kicks his little feet. Audrina usually seems to be dreaming about whatever tv show she watched while awake, or occasionally about wherever we went. Sometimes, I converse with people while I am sleeping. They usually figure it out, and understand that I am not awake. Part of me is glad that I am not the only one in the family that does it because I am afraid the children will ask me something while I am sleeping and I will give them some very disturbing answer some day.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Story Time For Cranky Brothers

Audrina has made a habit out of reading to Archer when he gets crabby now. It is the sweetest thing. So, I sat in to listen to story time. Audrina has an imagination like you would not believe! There were dragons, robots, dolls, magic cupcakes, monkeys, a flying carpet, talking computers, princesses, castles, dragonflies, you name it. One of these days I am going to catch this on video!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Story Time

As a result of my previous plan to have Audrina perform an act of kindness (reading to her brother, usually) instead of serving a time out, Audrina has learned that certain things make me happier. So, having decided not to wake me, she climbed into her brother's crib with a stack of books and had story time all by herself! I got to sleep in, and when I peeked into the kids' room, was delightfully surprised with an awesome display of sibling bonding. Some days, I just love being mom.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Angry Void

Audrina has been acting out all week. Her new favorite thing to do is pee while in time out. I talked to the children's behavioral psychologist on Thursday about it, and apparently this, as well as a list of other possible choices for upsetting me, is all completely normal for such a major transition period.

Audrina is blaming us, and time outs have become somewhat useless. The psychologist told me to stand my ground and maintain the status quo for the household. Joy. I am hoping that this ends soon.

Boy Scout Kind of Girl

Our old apartment had blinds. Fortunately for us, the strings were generally too high to be a problem. I have purchased blind cord safety tabs to shorten the little nuisances, but apparently need to duct tape them together after putting them on. Audrina, sweet girl that she is, has demonstrated her knot tying skills several times this week.

I fear that the six inch long series of knots Audrina put into the blinds cords in her bedroom this week are an ill omen for the future of shoe tying lessons. Yes, I do believe I will continue buying my daughter velcro shoes until they stop making them in her size. The should have seen them. She actually managed a surgeons knot. At three and a half. Perhaps the boy scouts are a good idea for her. At least then she may limit the variety of knots in any one string item per demonstration of skill. Oy.

Archer was watching her rather enthusiastically, clapping and laughing. I shall never own Things With Strings ever again.